it is is fall again and thus the time to be home hearing the rain fall and light candles. Mind you, I hate cold weather, but one of the things that gets me through this time of year it's to think of fun and original recipes....
So, this fall apart from doing 3.000 different things, like being in a music band, learning french, and many other things, I have started a Bible Study at my house. Every other Tuesday at 8pm at my house, we are studying Galatians. Anyone want to join???
As I am hosting it, I have volunteered to cook as well! So this is the perfect chance to actually bother to learn new recipes and post them. So my hope is that I will be posting. So here is the first one from last Tuesday.
Spaghetti with basil tomato sauce. VERY GOOD and easy. So this is the tomato sauce recipe that I tried the other day and that I want to remember:

-6 pear tomatoes.
-2 tomate frito bricks.
-a bunch of basil, like a lot, a hanful.
-two garlic cloves.
-olive oil.
-some herbs with no specific flavour.
1. That's it. Basically I diced up the tomaotes and then put them in a saucepan with the two tetrabricks of tomato sauce.
2. I added the two cloves of garlic and let them simmer slowly for about 20 minutes.
3. Then I added a bunch of basil, yes a LOT, because this is the magic of the recipe, the awesome basil taste. And let it simmer for another 15 minutes.
4. I added the olive oil to make it runny and nice.
Oh my goodness, this sauce was awesome. So balanced, full of flavour, sweet and salty, it was delicious. Then I added some mince and spaghetti. My friends loved it too. Success on my first Bible Study. Try it out. This was our table.