Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Veggie tray

Yay to Americans and all of the great ideas they bring to our world. Especially when it comes to food and aesthetics, Americans can surely nail it and we can all learn from them. Yes and amen. 

So here is my recipe. 

Actually I wouldn't call it a recipe, more an idea of what to bring to a party when you are clueless and in a rush. Perhaps only clueless but you do need time to run to the supermarket, cut the veggies and line them up nicely. Ah! you also need some kind of cheese as a dip. 

My veggie collection for this Halloween party of my german friend consisted on: carrots, yellow peppers, celery, broccoli and red peppers. 

And I decorated the whole thing with castañas, or chestnuts around it, raw ones, because I love to eat them raw.

TADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Magic. At least easy. And it looked very colourful and pretty for my party. Anyway, an idea for you all out there. I know this one is a no-brainer-one, but hey at least I have come back to the blog! I want to thank my sister Rut for encouraging me.  (Gracias poli)

And this is pic of the bag I took to transport the veggie tray  thats my elevator. I brought a tupperware and did the artistic part when I got to the party. 

I also brought some little pumpkins to friend's party to give her table some colour....I think she liked it.  :)  I have them at home too...


  1. Me gustan como los vegetables están cortados tan bien!!

  2. Gracias tia, es lo unico que requiere esmero, aparte de levantarte e ir al supermercado. :)

  3. Yo como salsa pondría aquí yogur blanco con sopa de cebolla deshidrata, q también es muy americano. La sopa de cebolla se puede comprar en cualquier supermercado. Bsssss
