Our annual Thanksgiving this year was a bit of a disaster....on the morning of the dinner I did the following:
-Nearly melted my Iphone on the stove.
-Burned the stuffing altogether.
-Decapitated our little plastic William Bradford statute.
-Ruined the salad bags leaving them outside the fridge for 2 days.

1. Stuffing CANNOT be made the day before the dinner. It will get absolutely disgusting. I burned our stuffing but it was already disgusting on the morning of the dinner....so I had to do it again, so even though it was really stressful to make it again, I was kinda glad because it was
so gross. You can see my stuffing in the trash here.

3. You do not need a fancy container for the turkey. One of those chino foil trays work as long as you put it on your heavy duty tray of the oven. Then, you place the turkey of onions, in a bed of onions and you eliminate a lot of equipment.


6. Use plastic cups and plastic glasses. Honestly no need to complicate yourself with real dishes....plus, real dishes make the dinner cold in 5 minutes. It is pointless.
7. I eliminated mashed potatoes altogether. This dish stresses me out because it is so hard to heat up on the same day. Getting rid of it was a brilliant idea. Instead I boiled Brussels sprouts and corn.
So I think this is it people, great findings this year. I thought I knew it all, but nope, still messed up so much. But it was a super fun dinner, we did a quiz at the end of Thanksgiving and we had so much fun.