Great, impressive and dead easy chocolate cake. The proportions of sugar, salt, etc are seriously P-E-R-F-E-C-T in this cake, and it is so easy and just dead easy! Thanks to my Korean friend Moises, who brought it for Thanksgiving....oh so easy people. This is the video where I got it from. 
INGREDIENTS:-200 grams of dark chocolate (70%)
-100 grams of milk chocolate.
-300 ml of heavy cream.
-300 grams of digestive biscuits.
-150 grams of butter melted.
-2o0 grams of raspberries.
1. Make the base. Crush the biscuits in a plastic bag until pulverized. Then mix with melted butter.
2. Now, create the base of the cake. Place transparent film in the container you are using. A good size in 23 cm as diameter, but you can make it smaller. Now add all the paste and create the base with your fingers until it solidifies a bit. 3. Now stick in freezer for 15 minutes.
4. In the meantime, melt the chocolate carefully in a pot. When it is all melted and cooled off a bit, add the cream and mix. A wonderful thick chocolate paste will appear in front of your eyes.
5. Now add to your base and let it cool for 15 minutes and now add the raspberries. What I do is draw a cross with the raspberries and that helps me then to make diagonals and create perfect lines until I fill it all up with berries. 6. Now stick in fridge overnight.
7. Get it out of fridge 1 hour before you eat so that it is softer, and not too hard the chocolate and then sprinkle with caster sugar.
So good people, so so good, give it a try, this cake will not disappoint a soul.