Thursday, April 17, 2014

Delicious baked cinammon apples

I have about 10 recipes I want to post but cannot find the time for these days.
Still, I didn't want this fall to leave me and not post an apple recipe...I did these last simple, and yet so good!  Dont let November go without trying a recipe like this one. HIGHLY RECOMMEND it for the dessert.

  • 4 Apples ((you need acidic-like cooking apples, reinetas or granny smith)
  • Brown sugar. (4 spoonfuls, 1 for every apple)
  • Ground cinammon. (1/2 teaspoon)
  • Nutmeg. (1/5 teaspoon)
  • Butter (Like 2 spoonfuls)
  • A tiny bit of hot water.

1. Core the apples with a knife. Only half way, you dont want to empty them out completey or the sugar will "come out" while its baking.

2. Mix sugar, with cinammon and nutmet or fall spices.

3. Fill up the cored apples with the mix. Then dab, a teaspoon of butter in each apple to top it off and close it.

4. Put a little water in the baking container so that the apples dont try out when you bake them.

5. Stick them in the oven for about 1 hour. 200 grades for the first half hour and then turn up the grill full blast for about 20 min, but make sure you dont burn them.

DONE! so fast, easy and good...honestly...they were so flatmates agreed wholeheartedly, so hey, it is not a "biased" recipe. :)

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