So whether you are feeling suicidal or elated by the results, try out this awesome american recipe and gather some loved ones around you to share dinner.
So my american friend Amy brought to our B. Study this awesome dish that I want to share. My kind of recipe, good, easy and fast. Loved it. I love americans and their creativity....like Starbucks and their amazing marketing, on the left.
Of course I needed to try it:

-500 grs. of hamburger meat.
-3 eggs
-200 mil of ketchup or 1/2 american cups.
-1/2 onion chopped.
-30 crackers.
-salt and lots of black pepper.
-garlic powder.

-Mix it all up.
-Set it on a loaf pan and spread ketchup on top of it all with a spoon, like with icing on a cake.
-Bake it in a loaf pan in 170 degrees for an hour.

Great to serve with salad and bread.

So friends, cheers to America, democracy, creativity, dreams and great great recipes that they make up!
Los alemanes tienen recetas parecidas a esta. Si lo piensas es una manera muy rápida y eficiente de hacer algo parecido a las albondigas... Estoy pensando en hacer algo parecido en una fuente baja, sacarlo, y con una espátula cortarlo en dados. Así consigues albóndigas cuadradas para vagos ;)