This one and this one. This was a very flavourful recipe. But it did take a long time let's be honest, so I'd only recommend it for those days when you are feeling creative and have a long saturday morning ahead of you...
But it was very tasty and fun too.
1. 300 grs. of pasta
2. Some parmesan cheese.
3. Requeson, creamy cheese (200 grs).
4. A brick of tomato sauce (200grs)
5. 2 cloves of garlic.
6. Some cherry tomatoes.
7. Minced chicken.
8. Pepper and salt and some italian herbs.

1. Mix the grated parmesan cheese, the herbs, the salt, and the pepper in a plate.
2. With the chicken mince, create mince balls and make sure the meat is properly mixed with the parmensan cheese and herbs.
3. hen set them up in a sauce pan and fried them, evenly.

6. Add it to the pasta and voila. Pretty pretty tasty. The sauce is real awesome friends.