And this is why it has taken me 13 years to publish a recipe of salad dressing, cause in all these years, I just could not be bothered to make one!
But our trip to Australia taught me a great trick that I do not want to forget. My mother in-law, the queen of salads, adds always a little bit of syrup to them! it is sheer magic, they taste so good. So I figured I could add this to a salad dressing.
So here is my invention for you all. My dressing is 150 ml total, by the way.
-20 ml of balsamic vinegar.
-25 ml of apple vinegar.
-25 ml of maple syrup.
-1 tsp of salt.
-some cracked pepper.
-some rosemary, thyme, oregano, and dukah.
No recipe!
mix it all together and give it a good stir in your jar. Obviously you can correct the flavour, if it is too salty, or sweet or bitter....just add more of the opposite ingredient, but I think my recipe is a great balance.
I'd say Paul Newman would congratulate me. ;)
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