I barely do spanish recipes of tapas and pinchos. Most of them require all these really hard ingredients (That is why they taste so good!).
But this recipe is pretty simple, and no oven is required!

-8 big mushrooms.
-100 grams of jamon serrano in bits.
-some fresh rosemary.
-1 tsp of minced garlic.

1. Sautee the garlic and the jamon bits in a frying pan until it is all golden and darker, for 5 minutes in low fire. Now add the rosemary to the mix and stir too.
2. Reserve this mix and in the same pan, now place the mushrooms (without stem obviously) upside down and cook them for about 3 minutes in medium fire. Place lid over them so that they soften.

That's it. So good, so spanish and not hard.
qué buena pinta tienen! :)