My only variation of her recipe is adding a celery stick to the equation. Obviously her recipe is for more volume, more soup.
-2 litres of water
-1 free range chicken skeleton
-1 clove of garlic smashed.
-1 green onion.
-1 free range chicken skeleton
-1 clove of garlic smashed.
-1 green onion.
-1 celery stalk (my addition)
-1-2 bay leaves (my addition)
-3 slices of ginger.
-some peppercorns.
-1 teaspoons of salt.
-some peppercorns.
-1 teaspoons of salt.
-1 prawn (optional at the end)

Just remember to smash a little with the blade of the knife the ingredients: the peppercorn, the garlic, the green onion so the flavours come out in the water easier.
2. After that I let it cool off and basically I let it all sit down in the stove for 1 day (obviously when it is cold, NOT in summer). The flavours get richer the longer you let it sit there. Then I put the whole thing in the fridge and the grease after some hours comes up to the surface.
3. After that, or even after 2 days, I throw in the trash everything that's in the pan and put the broth through a fine sieve.
4. And voila! there you have your great broth. Season it maybe with more salt if you want.
Pics: Singapore, the country of fines.