I can see why sweet Julia Child loved to make mayonnaise because it is a total scientific experiment. I mean that eggs and oil turn into that white, creamy, velvety white sauce just like that blows away all my brains together!
So coming up with a decent recipe only took me two tries. So here is the winner recipe. Now before you mess it up, mark my words, DO NOT USE OLIVE OIL. That is what I did the first time and it was game over.
-3/4 american cup of sunflower oil (177 ml).
-1 spoonful of lemon juice.
-1 teaspoon of white vinegar.
-1/3 teaspoon of white sugar.
-1 spoonful of normal mustard.
1. Place the egg in the cup and now add the vinegar, lemon, oil and salt. Let it all sit there in peace for 3 minutes so that the temperature unifies.
2. Now stick your hand blender all the way to the bottom and start mixing WITHOUT MOVING THE HAND MIXER. Hold it there still for 1 minute, not moving it until the emulsion begins. (What a spectacle to see it come together! It is quite beautiful really).
3. Now start pulling up (towards you) your hand mixer as you keep the bottom on very very slowly and it all keeps coming together, the emulsion. Once it is nearly all mixed then move the hand mixer up and then and finish it all until it is all beautifully mixed.

You can leave the mustard and sugar out but the stuff that is in the supermarket really have these ingredients.
I like this recipe because I barely ever use mayonnaise, so if I ever need for a recipe I can just buy it and not have all this jars that in the end I have to throw out.
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