Sunday, December 22, 2013

grape and cheese Christmas tree!

This is a fun project for a Christmas game night we had at home last night. It's easy to do and makes your party look so festive! 

  • Ingredients
  • Get some red and white grapes. 
  • Cheddar cheese cut up in dices.
  • A little bit of pepper for decoration cut up in slices. 
  • A biscuit with a star shape.

1. Place a line of cheese cubes and alternate with a line of grapes, each line of grapes of a different colour, and keep adding the layers up until you make a Christmas tree! 

2. Cant think of how else I can explain how to make this apart from adding photos so that you can look at it. 

3. Now add the pepper layers...and cut of the edges to make it look like beautiful red lace around the tree.

4. Now add the final magic touch! I added this star cookie I got in my cesta de Navidad. 


enjoy your party! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Apple cider

I have a ton of recipes I've been meaning to post....
A crazy job schedule and a broken computer has meant no posting...sorry readers!

Here is a quick recipe I want to jot down  before I go to the gym that really impressed me! 

wow, so fast, and so good and BEST OF ALL: SO EASY!

  • Ingredients
  • Apple juice ( 1 litre)
  • Half a teaspoon (slightly more perhaps, like 60% of a teaspoon) of cinammon
  • 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg (perhaps slightly more)
  • 1/4 of a cinnamon stick for every cup.
  • 1 slice of apple for each cup.

1. Stir the spices first in a little bit of the juice so that is all well dissolved.

2. Heat it up in the stove until it is almost boiling...stir well the spices!!!

3. Pour on glass with a little stick of cinnamon and a slice of apple.

 4. Pick a good movie and enjoy the night!  (and enjoy your Christmas lights if you have them!)

PS: I never went to the gym! bummer...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

chicken curry sauce-pretty sure is Korma curry sauce

Wow! almost three months away from my blog! It's been so busy, forgive me readers (i.e. if you exist!)

Here is a recipe for my awesome brother who lives in Germany and is one of my biggest blog fans....Josefi this is going to rock your world!!!!!!!

  • 2 chicken breasts in pieces.
  • 3 medium onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • curry powder, salt and pepper
  • 200ml of tomate frito-tomato sauce
  • 250 ml of coconut milk
  • 1 apple

1. Slice the onions and the garlic thinly

2. Saute everything in a saucepan till it browns. NOW add the curry powder, salt (like 1/2 of a teaspoon and some pepper). Sorry for my blurry photo.

3. Cut up an apple. I didnt peel it, but in hindsight I realized I should have...but honestly it's fine if you dont if you are in a hurry or cant be bothered.

4. Add it to the sauce pan and sautee more.

5. Now add the tomato sauce. Let it simmer for 2 minutes with the rest of the mix. 

blurry photo below ;( but you get the idea...

6. Now add the coconut milk

and now let it all simmer for about 10-15 minutes until it is all soft

7. Now put it all in a bowl and get your hand mixer and make it a think sauce. I probably bated it for about a good solid 5 minutes....

it has to be very very smooth like this or more.....

Voila, done! and now  fry the chicken in pieces with salt and pepper till it browns and add it to the sauce 

Serve wirh rice and tell your guests to buckle up because it is going rock their world! awesome recipeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lentejas --Classic Spanish lentils

Cuenca, España

    mis primeras está mal, no?

To make classic lentejas:

segun mi madre...
con frasco...
  • media cebolla
  • trozo de pimiento rojo
  • ajo
  • tomate
  1. Sofreir cebolla y pimiento 
  2. cuando este frito poner el tomate, que este bien frito.
  3. poner pimenton a eso. Cuidado que el pimenton no se queme
  4. una vez puesto, poner rodajas de chorizo y poner las lentejas de bote escurridas.
  5. cubrirlas con agua y ponerle una zanahoria en rodajas finas.
  6. dejarlo hervir 10 min hasta que la zana este blanda.
  7. si quieres se puede poner una patata con la zanahoria
  8. mis primeras está mal, no?
  9. no olvidar la sal y la pastilla de estarlux sino tiene sabor.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Rainbow slush or granizado de colores

A super fun project perfect for a party, I saw the original recipe here . All you need are flashes! Si flashes en español, o ice pops en ingles. Ok, esta receta la pongo  en español. 

1. Coloca los flahes por colores y que vayan en tono descendiente o ascediente...pero piensa en la combinacion, claro, y oscuro o puede ser un desastre.

En otro bol, abre el primer color y machaca el hielo en OTRO bowl, y echalo en una fuente grande. 

Adriana me ayudó mucho y la encantó la receta. 

Ahora estamos haciendo el azul, y lo pusimos encima del marrón ya...hay que espacirlo bien para que se vea por todos los bordes del bowl.

Aqui echamos ya el flash verde machacado. 

Bonito, eh?? me encanta...

Aqui va el amarillo....

El naranja.....
Y el ultimo el rosa...
Y aqui está la mezcla. No quedó muy bonito porque no habia echado los suficientes flashes....y no se apreciaban bien las capas de colores....verdad?? 

Aqui se ve un poco más....pero estaba  SUPER BUENO y a todo el mundo le encantó en la fiesta. 

Pero hacia mucho calor y se derritio rapido....entonces no se percibian bien los colores.

Por lo tanto lo intenté de nuevo otro día....aqui estoy yo con mi flash Burmar

En un vaso! para hacerlo a menor escala---

Quedó mucho mejor...ves?? 
Aqui se aprecian los colores más....

Me hubiera gustado hacer una foto sin mi dedo pero no tenia nada para sujetarlo así alto 

Contra la luz de mi terraza.pruebalo es guay!