Saturday, February 26, 2022

Green Chicken Chili

Yesterday I had no idea what to cook. I was not motivated either. I am beginning to realize that cooking is a phase, you are either in it, or you are not. Last year I was in it, but this year I can tell I am not. Also to cook you have to have peace, in your heart, in your life, in your home. Just so grateful last year I was able to rest and learn to cook because I can tell that phase is gone.

To my point: I found this recipe that looked good and it turned out incredibly well the first time. Here it is:

-1/2 onion.
-1/2 green pepper.
-a bunch of jalapeño peppers.
-3 cloves of garlic.
-1 jar of salsa verde of 500 grams.
-700 grams of chicken breast.
-400 grams of white beans.
-a good bunch of cilantro.
-300 grams of corn.
-1 chicken broth cube.
-1 tstp of coriander.
-1 tsp cumin ground.
-1 litre and 1/4 of water.

1. In a big pot sautee onions and green pepper and garlic.
2. Now add jalapeños (as many as you want) and add corn.
3. Now add the spices: the coriander and cumin and sautee.
4. Now add the salsa verde, and now the water, and half of the jar of beans and the broth cube.
5. Now add the chicken breast that you have shredded.
6. Now in a separate bowl, puree with a hand mixer the rest of the white beans with a bunch of cilantro. Now add this to the soup. It is marvelous what it does, it will thicken it incredibly.
7. Okay now bring it all to a boil, and basically that's it!

You can add some pasta or potatoes to make it a complete meal. It is awesome this recipe and you can make it spicy or not spicy, it depends on how many jalapeño peppers you add. Also this recipe is quite really cannot mess it up and great for winter.


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