Wednesday, September 26, 2012

salmón al horno con eneldo al estilo frances

Amsterdam, canales, Oct. 2010

OK, esta receta ha sido un gran descubrimiento para mí que siempre se me queda el salmon pegado a la sarten. Es una receta francesa que he visto en un libro. Tiene un ingrediente principal que jamás se me había ocurrido poner encima del salmón: mantequilla. Oui: beurre

Los ingredientes:

  • Un trozo de salmon.
  • 2 tomates o cherry tomates.
  • Eneldo.
  • una cucharadita de mantequilla.
  • Sal y pimienta.

  1. Solamente hay que poner el salmon en un recipiente de barro o cristal para el horno.
  2. Poner los tomates alrededor del salmon cortado en trozitos o los tomates cereza.
  3. Poner eneldo encima del salmon, bien cubierto y luego poner sal y pimienta a todo.
  4. El ingrediente que le dará el toque genial: una cucharadita de mantequilla en el medio del salmón que se irá derritiendo y lo hará saber a gloria.
  5. Hay que poner Un poco de agua en el fondo del recipiente para que no se pegue o se seque.
  6. el resultado, wow!
  7. Ponerlo 30 min o 20 min hasta que este hecho. Y voila, una supercena. Pruebalo!

curry rojo tailandés

Esta receta está muy buena. Si vives en Madrid, puedes conseguir está pasta de curry rojo en la mayoría de los supermercados orientales.

Es facil de hacer, necesitas:

  • 1 cucharada y media de pasta de curry rojo (para picante medio). 2 cucharadas si lo quieres que pique bastante.
  • 1 lata de leche de coco.
  • Alrededor de 12 hojas de albahaca fresca.
  • Un poco de azucar
  • Fish sauce-salsa de pescado, unas gotitas.
  • Pimientos rojos.
  • Berejenas.
  • Pollo. 1/4 kg o 300 gm.
  1. Muy facil, pon la pasta de curry rojo en una sarten y que se haga un poco con un poquito de aceite. Despues de unos minutos, pon toda la leche de coco (de 400ml). Y dale vueltas hasta que esté todo bien mezclado.
  2. Luego si quieres puedes meter la mitad de las hojas de albahaca para que vaya cogiendo sabor.
  3. En otra sarten, pon el pollo en trocitos y frielo un poco. Puedes sazonarlo con gengibre para que tenga un poco más de sabor. 
  4. En cuanto esté sellado, echa los pimientos rojos en trozos y la berenjena. La berenjena va fenomenal en este plato.
  5. Cuando este todo un poco cocinado, como 5 minutos, echalo todo en la salsa de curry que has preparado. 
  6. Puedes sazonar la salsa entonces con todo ya dentro con salsa de pescado y con un poco de azucar. Yo puse de los dos un poco, (unas gotas y como media cucharadita de azucar) y ayudó. 
  7. Sirvelo con arroz y acuerdate de poner unas hojitas de albahaca en cada plato para saborear bien el sabor de esta hierva que va genial con este plato.
  8. Muy bueno!

Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

Friday, September 21, 2012

albahaca: a basil plant is definitely worth it

Mi plantita
Along with the knife, this month I've got myself a basil plant. I was horrified at paying 5 euro for it, but I confess it's been worth it. I have used it so much lately and it grows so fast!  It is so fun to watch it grow in my little terraza, kinda like having a child for me. You have to water it a lot and keep a close eye on it or it will die in about 3-4 days. I have done CPR on it a good number of times, but somehow it always seems to come back to life, even when it looks like it's over.

I have used it for the red green curry, the salads with cherry tomatoes, is so good.

I keep wondering: What does albahaca have to do with basil?

my life in....?

OK, I know Ive been talking about Julie and Julia all the time....but if you like biographies and cooking read this! I missed my Metro station while I was reading it at 7:45am because I was so absorbed in it!
I think you'll love it. What an example to embrace life and enjoy what we have right where we are. In that sometimes we find our greatest passions and our lives.

thank you Stacy, totally loving it.

the joy of cooking with a good knife (a Japanese one)

thank you to my sweet bo

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Basic Bruschettas

Tonight I had bruschettas. 

I confess: I saw in Julie&Julia the movie about two weeks ago, and tonight I had to try it.

So easy, tasty, crunchy, heatlhy and good! you'll love it and will use up all your pan duro! cant beat is perfect for a summer night.


-French bread, old bread is fine.
-Olive oil
-1 garlic clove.
-1 tomato.
-1/2 red pepper
-Some olives (optional)
-Lots of basil (this is the key ingredient, it is soooo good)


Toast the bread with olive oil in a pan.
  1. Once toasted, get the garlic and rub it to the toast to give it flavor. 
  2. Cut up the tomatoes in dices, chop the basil finely, and the olives and add peppers on the pan and slightly roast them.
  3. Mix it all up in bowl with a little salt and then place on the toasts...put a little bit of olive oil over the top and you're done. 
  4. Voila! amazing dinner pretty fast.
  5. Try it, you'll love it, 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

mercado de Antón Martín

So if you live in Madrid, go to the mercado de Antón Martín. It is your typical spanish mercado, nothing unsual, but the fun thing is that is surrounded by indian and asian stores.

Stacy and I were looking for the mercado de las ranas....but we never found it, so we just decided to hit this area and see what we could find. It turned out to be a superfun morning, I got mussles and indian naham bread and sushi seaweed for Maki Rolls. I've got a appointment with Stacey to make Maki Rolls in a couple of weeks! Also, she lent My life in France, by Julia Child, which I had been wanting to read.
succesful morning

this is for when you are feeling truly adventurous

steamed mussles

A superfun day today with Stacy, my cooking friend. Stacey also has a cooking blog and seeks adventures in the markets of Madrid :)

So I followed her example and got mussles! M-E-J-I-L-L-O-N-E-S  en español.

So Stacy and I ventured ourselves in the market of Anton Martín, near Atocha. Fun place! A mix of spanish, indian and chinese shops.  I bought a few fun things, indian bread, sushi seaweed "paper" for Maki Rolls, but Im proud to say I also got mejillones.

I cooked them the most normal way. Al vapor or steamed. Here it goes:
  • 500 gr. of mussles.
  • 1 lemon,
  • Half glass of water and salt
  1. Clean the mussles. You have to clean them quite well. Mussles come with all sorts of things stuck to the shell and you really need to get rid of most of it. Otherwise the water will taste like that and it is just not very hygienic overall. I scrubbed with a knife. I did a first round of scrabing and then realized that I probably had to do a second one. Really, this is what took the majority of the time. About 15 min.
  2. Put the muscles in a pot with half a glass of water and salt. Put a lid on it and let it cook for 5 min, or until the mussles start opening. 
  3. That's it! Pick them up and place them on a plate. Squeeze a lemon over them and let them cool a bit.
  4. That's it. Delicious! and totally worth the mess you'll have in the kitchen. Not bad for 1 euro and for 40 cents. I had it with some empanada Maria made and with tinto de verano. So good. Be brave and try it.